Most Reliable and Objective
Independent Medical Exam Provider
Providing timely and efficient reporting, utilizing evidence based principles since 2007
We provide fellowship trained physicians in their areas of medical discipline to support the most complex cases.
Board certified physicians bring a vast amount of combined experience to appropriately address whole body impairment and permanent work restrictions.
We understand the importance of providing objective and quality reports in a timely fashion to minimize delays in the claims process.
Independent Medical Exams
We are able to match a physician to a multitude of Independent Medical Examination types (IME). TSOH physicians are independent consultants who specialize in their areas of medical discipline, ranging from board certified and fellowship trained orthopedic surgeons, to occupational and preventative medicine specialists, sports medicine and spine specialists, toxicology specialists, general surgeons, and neurologists. They are committed to providing the highest quality service to our examinees and requesting entities.
Causation is an important factor in workers’ compensation and personal injury cases. It is critically important to determine if current symptoms are causally related to an injury or incident. We accurately assess causation by applying evidence-based principles and current medical knowledge utilizing the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Disease and Injury Causation, Second Edition, the Bradford Hill Criteria,and extensive literature research in making these complex, legally defensible determinations.
Causation Analysis
Impairment Ratings
An Impairment Rating (IR) is a type of examination or evaluation that is typically requested once an individual has reached maximum medical improvement after an injury or occupational disease. The physicians performing IRs utilize the American Medical Association Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, 6th Edition, to perform the most up-to-date, accurate determinations.
Dedicated Staff
Our staff boasts a wide background of experience in the medical, legal, and workers compensation arenas. Our goal is to streamline scheduling, records retrieval, quality assurance, and report delivery in a consistent and timely manner. We are dedicated to providing friendly and knowledgeable service both in and out of our clinics across the state of Montana.